I finally sat down to write the book my soul wanted to write, & there was no lesson plan, no protocol, and no time for it! 


But, I want you to feel secure and confident, even though you might imagine authorship is time-consuming and fraught with gremlins and pitfalls.


In the bustling life of an online entrepreneur, where your to-do list seems endless and your dreams vast, I see the book in you. As a Holistic Book Coach, my purpose is to gently guide you through the intricate dance of finding time to write your book, a task that feels monumental amidst your already packed schedule.

The entrepreneurial dream is freedom, autonomy, and space to create. Yet, the reality often involves a delicate juggle of endless responsibilities and postponed aspirations. In this space, your desire to write a book should shine brightly—not just as a task but as a transformative journey to share your unique gifts and elevate your brand.

My path, woven through the demanding world of award-winning radio stations, reflects the tapestry of challenges and triumphs you face. The evolution from navigating daily demands to publishing my first book and contributing to best-sellers was profound. This journey, which I've lovingly named The Author's Way, is a testament to the power of turning vision into reality.

I invite you to walk this path with me. Together, we'll transform your insights and dreams into a tangible book, a beacon that extends your impact far beyond the digital realm.

If your work and your life are pulling towards authorship, please pause, breathe, and visit writersgiftquiz.com at a time that feels right for you. The Writer's Gift Quiz is a space for us to begin a heartfelt conversation, starting with a 3-minute quiz designed to illuminate your first steps of authorship.

Let's embark on this journey together, exploring how your unique gifts can significantly contribute to the world.




Poetry of Days- A Journal of poetry, art, and inspiration- Amazon top twenty book of poetry.


365 Moments of Grace- Amazon Bestseller.


The Queen Bee- Embody Your Truth, and Live Fully Expressed

An International Bestseller, a transformational book full of stories, guidance, and inspiration from Successful Entrepreneurial Women

Take The Writer's Gift Quiz
To get the The Author's Way Guide
–start building your book, today!
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 "I loved the experience of taking your quiz. I never thought of who I am as being a gift." 

Nadia Shana Krauss, Bestselling Author

"Judy was the one who expressed my most precious gift for the very first time when I took her writer's gift quiz...I took the quiz and got the Author-style True-Heart Teacher.

And she went on to describe me, and that was the first time someone described me as a Gift!

I loved the experience of taking the quiz, and I love calling myself a True-Heart Teacher now."

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Terry Gross, NPR

FANTASY FAQ Interview with Judy McNutt, 

The Holistic Book Coach- 

 Q. I'm just curious; you come from a radio background; how did you get from radio performance, management, and marketing to mentoring teachers and practitioners to write the book on their bucket list?


A. That's just what the Marketing One-Sheet says. "Radio." The real question is, how did I tame my multi-passionate universe to help me focus on book coaching? The honest answer is the souls of change-makers themselves called me in to help them write their books. We both have wanted the same thing all our lives- a better life experience in a better world! 



Q. OK, why do you work exclusively with teachers and intuitive practitioners?


A. I grok* this specific family of change-makers because I taught Special Needs Kiddos for 16 years, and I've been in business online, at least part-time, even before I retired from The District. When you're a public school teacher (my second-wave career), you have to do something to make ends meet!

* to grok is to understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.



Q. Woah! When did "public school teaching" get in the mix?


A. After radio burnout, before Covid. I retired from formal teaching and published a book of poetry and art. That gave me first-hand preparation for participating in an Amazon Bestseller, which got me interviews, which brought women wanting help with their books to my gate.



Q. But how did that get you to where you are now?


A. Well, based on my life experiences and awakenings, I started sorting to find a better way to help these women write their books and get them ready to go to the publisher.


Q. Then came the quantum leap to working with busy women to write a book on top of everything else they're doing?


A. Yes. Besides "lunatic time management" and "where do I start?" a surprising disconnect for vibrant, successful women is fear and doubt that they could ever be a "WRITER writer." 



Q. I've heard that 97% of the people who started writing never finished their book. What can writers do differently, and how do you help differently?


A. Yes. The majority of people who start a book don't finish it. Emotions kick in when you overtax your brain, and your infant manuscript slips silently into a drawer beside a dusty vibrator. [Terry laughs] 

Listen, it's obvious they have gifts to share, so we wake up all senses, connections, and energies, as well as the dark and hidden gifts, to write bite-sized stories for a segment to save for the book.

Finally, they start using these and other holistic writing techniques to complete the book that brings their heart and soul into contact with readers already searching for precisely what they offer.

This concludes my interview with Holistic Writing Coach and Mentor Judy McNutt. Judy may be a nut, but she works with teachers and intuitive practitioners who see a book as another way to make a difference in the world.

  • I'm Terry Gross, and this is Fresh Air.

Take The Writer's Gift Quiz
To get the Forthcoming Author Guide –made for you!