Welcome to The Writers Gifts Gateway-

and a surprise Writer's Instant-gift for you!

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About your gift: The Blueprint Download-

The Blueprint lays out a sure and steady way to start living the writer's life today:

Build a gentle, doable, stable writing practice without feeling like you have a head full of angry bees! 

With these easy steps, you build on success instead of creating more failure and suffering! 

Build healthy habits, THEN pull out your unfinished book or body of work and go! CLICK THE BUTTON!

Download your free blueprint file and save it!

Have you taken Writers Gift Quiz but missed out on how to receive details and deeper results?

You're missing an easy, fun, and free way to learn to work with, not against your natural gifts and talents. My quiz results are the gateway to 

  • How to have fun while you write.

  • How to harness your inner guidance system so you can create on-demand.

  • Lifechanging "Kryptonite" Cures for WHATEVER has been blocking your book!

  • More freebies and discounts!

for a second chance at deeper details in a free "no strings" session!
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Nadia writes about The Blueprint AND The Quiz!

Judy, thank you!!

I loved the Writer's Gift Quiz I took after downloading the Writers Gift Blueprint. Yay!! The Quiz really nailed my gifts and kryptonite!

✨I love writing ( and communicating) because it makes me feel ALIVE.

✨Surround yourself with cheer-leaders, not fear-leaders!

✨I wrote something today. Yay! I am a Wise Woman Writer! ( I am writing right now, (teehee) playing with words and expressions.)

✨"Curl up with a good book every day. Share the love with others. 'Listen to this! It's wonderful." Yes! I'm doing this!

Thank you for this reminder, Judy! So natural, and it brings me great JOY. This morning I read Quiet Power Strategy by Tara Gentile and shared a quote with Karianne that fit with a phrase she used yesterday. Wow! Beautiful synchronic sharing!

✨I have pens and journals all over the house, rooms, and in my traveling bags. LOL.

✨I will try out wearing my personal writer's love note in my shoe today. 

💕💕🙏💕Nadia Shana Krauss at Happy Wholesome Life Solutions (Update 05/2021 Nadia is now a published author!)